这里 $\omega$ 是角速度
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| { "pendulum1":{ "length":2.0, "theta0":3.0, "omega0": 0.0 } }
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| import pickle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import json
g = 9.8 dt = 0.1 max_steps = 1000
class Simple_Pendulum: def __init__(self, length, theta0=0, omega0=0): self.length = length self.theta = np.zeros(max_steps + 1, dtype = np.float64) self.omega = np.zeros(max_steps + 1, dtype = np.float64) self.t = np.zeros(max_steps + 1, dtype = np.float64) self.theta[0] = theta0 self.omega[0] = omega0 def calculate(self): for i in range(max_steps): self.theta[i + 1], self.omega[i + 1], self.t[i + 1] = self.move_one_step(self.theta[i], self.omega[i], self.t[i]) def move_one_step(self, theta, omega, t): _theta = theta + omega*dt _omega = omega - (g/self.length)*theta*dt _t = t + dt return _theta, _omega, _t def get_results(self): return self.theta, self.omega, self.t
def show_pendulum(): with open("./computational-physics-project/lecture-3/pendulum.json", "r") as f: data = json.load(f) pendulum1 = Simple_Pendulum(data["pendulum1"]["length"], data["pendulum1"]["theta0"], data["pendulum1"]["omega0"]) pendulum1.calculate() fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, layout="constrained") theta, omega, t = pendulum1.get_results() ax[0].plot(t, theta, label=r"$\theta$") ax[0].set(xlabel="t(s)", ylabel=r"$\theta$(m)") ax[0].legend() ax[0].set_title(r"Oscillation of $\theta$") ax[1].plot(t, omega, label=r"$\omega$") ax[1].set(xlabel="t(s)", ylabel=r"$\omega$(m/s)") ax[1].legend() ax[1].set_title(r"Oscillation of $\omega$") plt.savefig("pendulum.png") plt.show()
小 $\theta$ 有近似
其实只需要使用 $x{i+1}=x_i+v{i+1}dt$ 代替 $x{i+1}=x_i+v{i}dt$ 就可以一定程度上解决
采用 Euler-Cromer 方法求解 x 关于时间的函数,其中 $\alpha=1$ (为了方便,取 k=1 )。这是简谐运动的一个关键特征。然后将程序扩展到处理 $\alpha=3$ 的情况。这是一个非简谐振子的例子。计算了几个不同振幅(在范围 0.2 到 1 内)下的振动周期,并证明现在运动的周期取决于振幅。
$\alpha=1$ 的情况
谐振子的 json 文档为
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| { "oscillator": { "oscillator1":{ "distance0":1.0, "velocity0":0 }, "oscillator2":{ "distance0":0.2, "velocity0":0 }, "oscillator3":{ "distance0":0.4, "velocity0":0 }, "oscillator4":{ "distance0":0.6, "velocity0":0 }, "oscillator5":{ "distance0":0.8, "velocity0":0 } } }
先只取 $\alpha=1$ ,并且 $k=1$
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| import pickle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import json
k=1 dt = 0.1 max_steps = 1000
class simple_oscillator: def __init__(self, distance0=0, velocity0=0): self.distance = np.zeros(max_steps + 1, dtype = np.float64) self.velocity = np.zeros(max_steps + 1, dtype = np.float64) self.t = np.zeros(max_steps + 1, dtype = np.float64) self.distance[0] = distance0 self.velocity[0] = velocity0 def calculate(self): for i in range(max_steps): self.distance[i + 1], self.velocity[i + 1], self.t[i + 1] = self.move_one_step(self.distance[i], self.velocity[i], self.t[i]) def move_one_step(self, distance, velocity, t): _velocity = velocity - k*distance*dt _distance = distance + _velocity*dt _t = t + dt return _distance, _velocity, _t def get_results(self): return self.distance, self.velocity, self.t
def show_oscillator_with_Euler_Cromer(): with open("oscillator.json", "r") as f: data = json.load(f) oscillator1 = simple_oscillator(data["oscillator1"]["distance0"], data["oscillator1"]["velocity0"]) oscillator1.calculate() fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, layout="constrained") distance, velocity, t = oscillator1.get_results() ax[0].plot(t, distance, label=r"$x$") ax[0].set(xlabel="t(s)", ylabel=r"$x$(m)") ax[0].legend() ax[0].set_title(r"Oscillation of $x$") ax[1].plot(t, velocity, label=r"$v$") ax[1].set(xlabel="t(s)", ylabel=r"$v$(m/s)") ax[1].legend() ax[1].set_title(r"Oscillation of $v$") plt.savefig("osillator.png") plt.show()
calculate_period() 是通过判断$x$是否在初始位置附近来确定周期大小
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| import pickle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import json
k=1 dt = 0.1 max_steps = 1000
class simple_oscillator: def __init__(self, distance0=0, velocity0=0): self.distance = np.zeros(max_steps + 1, dtype = np.float64) self.velocity = np.zeros(max_steps + 1, dtype = np.float64) self.t = np.zeros(max_steps + 1, dtype = np.float64) self.distance[0] = distance0 self.velocity[0] = velocity0 def calculate(self): for i in range(max_steps): self.distance[i + 1], self.velocity[i + 1], self.t[i + 1] = self.move_one_step(self.distance[i], self.velocity[i], self.t[i]) def move_one_step(self, distance, velocity, t): _velocity = velocity - k*distance**3*dt _distance = distance + _velocity*dt _t = t + dt return _distance, _velocity, _t def get_results(self): return self.distance, self.velocity, self.t,self.period def calculate_period(self): period_list=[] period_sum=0 for i in range(max_steps): self.distance[i + 1], self.velocity[i + 1], self.t[i + 1] = self.move_one_step(self.distance[i], self.velocity[i], self.t[i]) if i>=5 and abs(self.distance[i]-self.distance[0]) <= 0.05 and abs(self.distance[i-1]-self.distance[0]) >= 0.05: period_list.append(i) for i in range(len(period_list)): if i==0: period_sum+=period_list[0] else: period_sum+=period_list[i]-period_list[i-1] self.period=period_sum*dt/len(period_list)
def show_oscillator_with_Euler_Cromer(): with open("./computational-physics-project/lecture-3/oscillator.json", "r") as f: data = json.load(f) oscillator1 = simple_oscillator(data["oscillator"]["oscillator1"]["distance0"], data["oscillator"]["oscillator1"]["velocity0"]) oscillator1.calculate_period() fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, layout="constrained") distance, velocity, t , period= oscillator1.get_results() ax[0].plot(t, distance, label=r"$x$") ax[0].set(xlabel="t(s)", ylabel=r"$x$(m)") ax[0].legend() ax[0].set_title(r"Oscillation of $x$") ax[1].plot(t, velocity, label=r"$v$") ax[1].set(xlabel="t(s)", ylabel=r"$v$(m/s)") ax[1].legend() ax[1].set_title(r"Oscillation of $v$") plt.savefig("osillator.png") print(period) plt.show()
振幅 |
周期 |
0.2 |
35.20 |
0.4 |
18.28 |
0.6 |
12.26 |
0.8 |
9.22 |
1.0 |
7.38 |
一个直观的理解,当$\alpha>1 $ 时,$-kx^\alpha$ 对 $x$ 更敏感,当$x$增大,波动会更强烈
对于前一个练习中 (3.9) 的非简谐振子,可以通过某些特殊函数来解析地获得振动周期关于 $\alpha$ 的一般值的关系。请进行这样的计算,并描述周期与振幅之间的关系如何取决于 $\alpha$ 的值。你能对这个结果给出一个物理解释吗?提示:如果将 (3.9) 的两边都乘以 $\frac{d x}{d t}$,然后对 $t$ 进行积分。这将导致速度和 x 之间的关系。